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MSIport - Home

Seminar on Rare-Earth Materials & Magnet Technology

12-13 Nov. 2024, Stuttgart -Unique opportunity for professionals in management & technology to learn about the complete supply chain of magnetic materials. Chair: Dr.Bernd Grieb ...more

9th MSIT Winter School

16-21 Feb. 2025, Castle Ebernburg, Germany. First-class tuition in a selection of subjects closely associated with the study of phase equilibria in Materials Science, e.g. Phase Equilibria, Crystallography, Experimental & Computational Thermodynamics.   ...more


"Ternary Alloys" series authored by MSIT: published in April 2024 - Volume 22 of the Ternary Alloys handbook series "Refractory Material Systems for Industrial Applications". 31 critically evaluated ternary systems, 522 pages, Guest Editors: Hans Jürgen Seifert and K.C. Hari Kumar    ...more

MSI Eureka database

materals database with the focus on materials constitution of inorganic materials.

Over 521,000 entries!



2024 MSIT Events

REGISTRATION IS OPEN: 12-13 November 2024, Stuttgart, Germany - "Seminar on Rare-Earth Materials & Magnet Technology"


2025 MSIT Events

16-21.02.25 Ebernburg, Germany
MSIT Advanced School
9th MSIT Winter School
39th MSIT Annual Workshop


Book series Ternary Alloys

Volume 22 “Refractory Material Systems for Industrial Applications” has been published in April 2024. Eds. H.J. Seifert & K.C. Hari Kumar.


MSI Eureka®

materals database with the focus on phase diagrams of inorganic materials. Data release 101: over 521,000 entries in total!


Consulting Services

Engineering and scientific consulting services related to materials dominated problems for industrial clients.



Scope & Content
Editorial Board
Workflow & Tools
Guidelines for authors & reviewers



MSIT®, Materials Science Intl. Team is a scientific network of experts in materials constitution & thermodynamics, since 1984.


MSI Collaboration

Tool for joint working on complex projects for remote teams. Retains all results & documents, also retrospectively.


Consultancy and Contract Research

MSI offers engineering and scientific consulting services related to materials dominated problems for industrial clients and assists large scale research programs world wide.

...learn more

MSI - The Company

Materials Science International Services is a global research & publishing company in the field of materials science.

... learn more

MSI Eureka - The Product

MSI Eureka is the knowledgebase on materials constitution, i.e. phase diagrams, crystal structures, thermodynamics and related constitutional data for alloys, non-metals, composites.

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MSIT - The Team

MSIT, Materials Science International Team is a global team of experts in materials constitution and its applications, collaborating for over 38 years in phase diagram evaluation work with MSI.

                                                      Opens internal link in current window...learn more

Seminar on Rare Earth Materials & Magnet Technology 2024

Seminar on Rare Earth Materials & Magnet Technology, 12 - 13 November 2024, Stuttgart
Global sourcing & supply, latest economic developments & global geopolitical aspects in magnetics markets & technologies.

see Programme

"Ternary Alloys" Book Series

The Volume 21 “Selected Al-Fe-X Ternary Systems for Industrial Applications” is published in November 2022 as printed edition. Editors: Frank Stein and Martin Palm. Authors: MSIT®.



MSIT Winter School

9th MSIT Winter School on Materials Chemistry
16 - 21 February 2025, Castle Ebernburg, Germany

A unique opportunity to learn from the experts the techniques that are important in understanding phase equilibria, thermodynamics and closely associated subjects.

see Programme


Alloy Phase Diagram International Commission

APDIC is a council of members who maintain major phase diagram activities. The APDIC members perform their individual programs independently and meet at APDIC meetings to exchange and coordinate their activities.

go to APDIC web


Academic Success of MSIT member
Academic Success of MSIT member
Mario Kriegel gains his habilitation.
2024 Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award of ACerS
2024 Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award of ACerS
American Ceramic Society awards 2024 Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award to MSIT members....
2nd MSIT Advanced School
2nd MSIT Advanced School
2nd MSIT Advanced School. Seminar on Rare-Earth (RE) Materials & Magnet Technology
2nd MSIT Advanced School 22-23.11.2023
2nd MSIT Advanced School 22-23.11.2023
Everything about Magnets, Everywhere and All at Once!
MSIT-AFRICA Workshop 2023
MSIT-AFRICA Workshop 2023
2nd MSIT-AFRICA Workshop, 29.05-02.06.2023, Ghana
MSI Eureka reached a milestone of half-a-million entries!
FREE ACCESS to the APDIC Best Paper 2022
FREE ACCESS to the APDIC Best Paper 2022
MSI provides FREE ACCESS in June and July 2022 to the paper-winner
APDIC Best Paper Award 2022
APDIC Best Paper Award 2022
APDIC meeting ratifies Best Paper Award
APDIC Awards 2020
APDIC Awards 2020
APDIC meeting ratifies Industrial and Best paper awards
Academic Success for MSIT member
Academic Success for MSIT member
Olga Fabrichnaya gains her habilitation.
...where's the snow?
...where's the snow?
Ringberg 2020
Günter Effenberg...
Günter Effenberg...
MSI and the MSIT mourn the death of their founder
APDIC Awards 2018
APDIC Awards 2018
APDIC meeting ratifies Industrial and Best paper awards
A new annual seminar for Materials Chemistry starts this month
Fire and Ice.....
Fire and Ice.....
Ringberg 2018
New Search Interface for MSI Eureka
New Search Interface for MSI Eureka
Find materials with desired properties
MSIT-Russia scores another success
MSIT-Russia scores another success
Second MSIT Workshop held at Vyksa, Russia
The MSIT goes to the Far East
The MSIT goes to the Far East
The MSIT continues to grow across the globe.....
MSIT Celebrates 30 Glorious Years
MSIT Celebrates 30 Glorious Years
Record attendance for milestone meeting
First MSIT Russia meeting a resounding success!
First MSIT Russia meeting a resounding success!
The first local MSIT meeting shows the way for others to follow...
Happy Birthday Günter Effenberg
Happy Birthday Günter Effenberg
MSI CEO celebrates his 70th birthday!
MSIT Russia is born!
MSIT Russia is born!
MSIT becomes a truly Global Network
And another Hume-Rothery award for MSIT member...
And another Hume-Rothery award for MSIT member...
The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining honours Andy Watson...
A second Hume-Rothery award for Prof. Rainer Schmid-Fetzer
A second Hume-Rothery award for Prof. Rainer Schmid-Fetzer
The MSIT salutes Prof. Rainer Schmid-Fetzer on receiving prestigious award
Best scientific paper award for MSIT member
Best scientific paper award for MSIT member
APDIC awards its best paper prize for 2013 to....
National Award for long-serving MSIT member
National Award for long-serving MSIT member
Recognition of training excellence for Prof. Lesley Cornish
Another Hume-Rothery award for MSIT...
Another Hume-Rothery award for MSIT...
The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining honours the CEO of MSI.......

Free Content

Free Content

  • Demo License: Demonstration of Different Information Types

You can access sample documents from each information category of MSI Eureka free of charge.

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Tools & Tutorials

Free Tools & Tutorials

Free-of-Charge Tools for research support.

Currently these are:

  • ThermoChemTool written by Eckehard Fromm; Max-Planck Institute for Metals Research and member of MSIT


  • Alloy Phase Equilibria written by Alan Prince and published in 1966 by Elsevier.

More tools are coming!

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